Effective Strategies for iOS Apps to Boost User Engagement

If your enterprise mobile app is free on the app store, you will have the benefit of greater user downloads, and a steady revenue flow from in-app advertising (provided your app is that good!). If however, you launch a paid application, those changes can reduce significantly. No need to panic though. A simple way to navigate this issue, however, is by simply rolling out a free trial version of your app, allowing users to interact with it, and giving them a good sense of what they are paying for. This will increase the chances of your app being accepted, thereby resulting in greater revenue.

Lucid Interface

It is said that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Whether or not this holds completely true is very debatable. The fact that simple app interfaces are mandatory in the contemporary mobile app market is, however, quite irrefutable. These days, users are spoilt for choice by a plethora of app options for virtually all kinds of needs. This has not only made them harder to please but has also raised the bar on engagement standards. One of the current user expectations for engaging experiences that you must keep in mind during your iOS app development project is developing an interface that is clutter-free, easily navigable and maintains a decent semblance of aesthetic value.

Being Pushy

All smartphone users in existence will definitely be aware of what push notifications are. From a business owner’s perspective, they are an invaluable tool when it comes to effectively communicating with target users, and boosting engagement. You must, during the initial stages of your iOS app development process, affix the utility, framework, and applicable frequency of in-app (as well as external) push notifications. Doing so will ensure that you later reap the future benefits of positive user response, as well as engagement.

However, if you want to build cross-platform apps, i.e., for iOS, Android and the Web, HokuApps low-code mobile app development platform is the right choice for you. The HokuApps platform is an automated one which contains 3 deep libraries. With choices in pre-configured business modules, pre-connected technology components, and a design studio, all that needs to be done is a drag and drop of all three elements to create generic apps. Post which, apps are customized to suit the business’s unique requirements. The result is cross-platform apps that are created at 10x speed (in comparison to traditional app development), are robust and reliable.

Few More Success Stories :

HokuApps Creates Engaging Platform for SDI Academy Helping Migrants to Cope with the COVID-19 Induced Isolation

The many uses for Lavender and Peppermint herbs

Before the advent of the modern-day practice of medical procedures, people had a way of treating themselves when they fell sick. Most societies relied on herbal roots for treatments.

Some believe that traditional leaves, roots, and pods are highly effective in combating different ailments than laboratory-processed drugs. That is why you see so many people tilting towards organic products like ginger, garlic, and turmeric.

There are many herbal roots, actually, but in this article, we shall be looking in the direction of what lavender and peppermint herbs are all about and how they can help improve your health standard.

Benefits of Lavender

This particular herb has been in existence for years since pre-civilization. According to historical records, healers of many centuries ago use this herb to treat different kinds of ailments. Based on recent research, it has been proven that the claims made by ancient healers have been substantiated that, indeed, lavender can cure a variety of ailments.

Effective against strained muscles
Sometimes you feel weak due to excessive stress, which could lead to your physical health breakdown. All you need to do is turn up your shower and get your bathing soap with lavender essential oil properties. In no time, you will notice your strained muscles will be relaxed. It also effective against aches and helps in calming down tension in the body.

Take care of stomach upset
When taken internally, the lavender essential oil can help in settling stomach upset. It is effective against halitosis when used as a mouth wash. Placing lavender essential oil on your pillow before bedtime or drinking it hot as a form of tea can protect you against insomnia.

Serves as an anti-inflammatory agent
When you mix patchouli and lavender, this serves as first aid treatment against any form of bug bites, minor screen irritations, and small burns. When you apply them to your skin, it helps relieve pain and prevents itching and swelling.

Benefits of Peppermint

Effective against dandruff treatment

When you go to the salon to work on your hair, only for you to realize that your hair has been damaged due to a dandruff infection, your hairstylist might recommend some beauty products containing peppermint.

Peppermint is an excellent herbal product that effectively combats dandruff on hair, either male or female. If you also suffer from head lice, eczema, psoriasis, all you need to do is add at least 20 drops of peppermint essential oil in your shampoo, shake thoroughly and apply to the dandruff area. Do this continuously to remove all forms of dandruff, and your scalp will be restored to normal.

Taking a hot shower with peppermint soap is highly effective against migraine, sinus, and all forms of headaches. Before applying peppermint, ensure your bathing water is hot, and apply it to your face gently with a cloth. Breathe in and out gently for nothing less than a minute. During this period, the fabric which would have been soaked with peppermint will open up your sinuses, lessening every bit of tightness on your chest. Peppermint oil is an excellent alternative in this scenario. Apply it directly to your clothes before putting them on.

Though these herbs have been in existence for centuries, the efficacy against various kinds of ailments cannot be disputed.

Lavender and peppermint have continued to be some of the most sought-after herbs around the world. If you have these herbs at your disposal, you can use them for other health-related purposes. It will save you time and money that would have been used in purchasing drugs for stores. Since they are mostly gotten from natural sources, these herbs have no side effects when used correctly.

Natural Remedies To Cure Acidity And Treat Digestive Disorders Safely

Before finding any remedy to treat digestive disorders or acidity, understanding of the digestive problem is important. Food tolerance is the clear indication of good digestion. Bloating and/or cramp are the symptoms of food intolerance. The digestive system occupies an extended area of the body. It starts from the mouth and ends at the rectum. It is responsible for driving out waste from the body and absorbing the necessary nutrients.

But digestion is more than unwanted symptoms. If some problems remain untreated, they might lead to serious illness. The natural remedies to cure acidity are helpful to prevent simple problem to move to a chronic problem. There are different types of digestion problems. The chances of confusions are not rare when you should know the right time to visit the health consultant to treat digestive disorders before it is too serious to be treated.

The chronic constipation is the result of failure or disorder in removing the wastes out of the body. This happens when the colon fails to move or pass wastes or stools through the digestive tract. As a result, you will feel bloating and pain together with fewer and painful movement of bowel. The people all over world are suffering from this common digestive problem and are crazy to treat digestive disorders instantly.

For many adults heartburn is a sporadic occurrence. It is the results of acidity that cause chest pain and burning sensation. It happens because acid goes back into the esophagus, the passage between the pharynx and the stomach. It causes chest pain and the branded the name burning sensation. The natural remedies to cure acidity take care of the esophagus before it gets damaged beyond repairing.

If you have already a victim of acidity and looking for a remedy Herbozyme capsule is the right choice. It is a complete cure to treat digestive disorders effectively. A number of people are throwing their reviews telling about the remedy. Let’s have a close look of the capsule:

Herbozyme capsule gives great support to proper digestive system and soothes stomach irritation. The unique combination of the effective herbs has made the supplement a unique remedy for bloating and acidity. It also helps to cure other related ailments that include:

1. Constipation
2. Flatulence
3. Diarrhea
4. Belching.

As one of the natural remedies to cure acidity, the supplement possesses a lot of properties that give a hand to healthy digestion of the vital nutrients of the diets to keep body fit and fine for everyday activities.

Ingredients of Herbozyme capsule: Hing, Ajwain, Sat Podina, Madhur Char and Podina. Every ingredient is 100% effective to fix the issue of digestive disorder permanently.

Direction for use:

As the capsules are made of pure herbs taken from nature and processed in the laboratory retaining the original properties of them, there is no side effect of Herbozyme capsules. Go on with the supplement as long as necessary till your problem is fixed. Take 1 to 2 capsules daily with water after breakfast and dinner without break to get the maximum results.

With the supplement, rest assured of a bright life free of any anxiety.